Sale! READ ISK Renault

READ ISK Renault

100,00 €

Instead of

ISK reading from controllers

  • All models
  • OBD or on the table
  • Does not require opening the controller

It is useful e.g. for access to read EEPROM/Flash memory of some drivers where in case of blocked IMMO it is impossible to read Flash/EEPROM (e.g. SID309 KWP, EMS3125 and others).
After reading ISK write it to CAN Emulator, connect Emulator and you have already released access to read / write memory.

It also allows you to install the used controller to another car (required assembly of the Emulator)

Supports among others SID321, MD1 and all others

In order to read the file you have to send us the file read by UHDS and buy one time ISK code reading service. File reading option does not require license activation